Haus LEO booking

Professional cosmetics services in our Haus Leo

A very warm welcome to Herzenssache Kosmetik.

My name is Marina Santer and, for me, the past 16 years in my home village of Sölden
have been very happy ones. Seven years as a SPA manager have been followed by happy
years spent as a wife, mother, and landlady at Haus Leo.
In 2020, I managed to return to my vocation as a beautician, something I had been longing
to do for some time. My husband, Wolfgang, is a carpenter, and he used a lot of wood to
build a cosy and modern beauty salon adjoining our house.
I offer professional, innovative, and personalised treatments, from traditional facials, to
manicures and pedicures, right through to innovative medical beauty treatments.
One thing which is really important to me is the products I use. I only buy from producers
whose products I constantly test myself, and where I know they meet the highest possible
For the Santer family, the well-being of our guests is something that is very close to our
hearts – a “Herzenssache”. Of course, we are very happy to put together a personalised
holiday package for you, combining what Haus Leo and the Herzenssache Kosmetik have
to offer. You can find more information about the beauty salon on the Herzenssache
homepage. To visit, just click on the following link:


Es war uns wieder eine Freude, in der vergangenen Wintersaison
viele Stammgäste und Freunde bei uns im Haus Leo zu begrüßen.

Aber auch viele neue Gäste hatten hoffentlich einen erholsamen und
schönen Urlaub in unserem Haus.

Nette Gespräche und gute Stimmung machen es uns als Gastgeber
leicht für euch da zu sein!

Wir danke allen die uns diesen Winter besucht haben und die wir nächsten Winter
wieder begrüßen dürfen.
Eine kleine Pause sei uns nun vergönnt und dann starten wir ab 15.06.2024 in
die Sommersaison.

Wir freuen uns auf Euch!
Marina & Wolfgang Santer